
At Farm Vet Services we work closely with our dairy clients to enhance animal health and welfare. We offer a full range of services personalised to your dairy farm, from weekly scanning sessions to youngstock management and disease investigation.

Fertility Testing


Good fertility is important to the profitability of any dairy farm and we can establish tailored fertility protocols. Our experienced vets are equipped with BCF Easi-Scan scanners for pregnancy diagnosis from 28days, post calving/fresh checks and non-bullers. 

Health Plans & Infectious Disease Management

Infectious diseases have a huge impact on the health and welfare of livestock. We can investigate and treat all disease outbreaks. Contact us for advice if you are worried about potential outbreaks, or to discuss how to prevent them.

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Dry Cow Management

Good management of dry cows can help prevent many diseases and loss of production in the next lactation. Our vets can give advice on dry cow therapy, housing, nutrition and herd mineral profiling


Mastitis Culture & Sensitivity

We provide in-house culture and sensitivity testing of milk samples which allows us to give you rapid information on what is causing mastitis on your farm. It also allows us to plan the best way to prevent and reduce mastitis on your farm.



Lameness is one of the most significant costs and cause of welfare issues in the dairy industry. We offer lame cow treatment and discussions over how to treat and prevent further issues.


Prevention is always better than cure, we offer bespoke vaccination programmes, calf health checks and environmental assessments to improve pneumonia and scour control. Alongside our seasonal talks on colostrum and nutritional planning we are always here to give advice on calf rearing.

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Good nutrition is vital in ensuring dairy cows stay healthy and productive, by maximising milk yields and maintaining good fertility. We can work with and have meetings alongside your nutritionist to ensure this.

Liver Biopsies

A liver biopsy extracts a small amount of a cow’s liver tissue and is used for pro-active health monitoring of the herd. Collecting samples of liver tissue is the most accurate means of evaluating the trace mineral status of an animal, especially for copper.

The carbon footprint of a litre of UK milk is 1.25Kg CO2/litre

Where as the global average is 2.9Kg CO2/litre

It takes 8 litres of tap water to produce 1 litre of milk and it takes 158 litres of tap water to produce 1 litre of almond milk

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