PLEASE NOTE: A prescription issued by a UK registered vet (MRCVS) is required before this item can be dispatched.
Bovaclox DC Intramammary Suspension is formulated for use in the dairy cow (including heifers) at the point of drying off that is immediately after the last milking of the lactation in order to treat existing mastitis and to provide protection against further infections during the dry period. Bovaclox DC Intramammary Suspension is a useful aid in reducing the incidence of summer mastitis in dry cows at risk. Do not use on cows which have a very short dry period. Not intended for use within 45 days of calving. Milk for human consumption may only be taken from 120 hours after calving. Should a cow calve earlier than 45 days after the last treatment milk for human consumption may only be taken from 45 days plus 120 hours after the last treatment. Active ingredient: Cloxacillin Ampicillin
120 Tubes