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Distocur 5 Litre

With Zanil and Rumenil not available to buy with no lead date this is the last of the Distocur.

Cattle and sheep: Treatment of infections caused by the adult stage of Fasciola hepatica, gravid tapeworm segments.

Availability: 6 in stock

With Zanil and Rumenil not available to buy with no lead date this is the last of the Distocur.


Distocur fluke drench is an orally administered drench for the treatment and control of liver and Tapeworms in cattle and sheep.

Cattle and sheep: Treatment of infections caused by the adult stage of Fasciola hepatica, sensitive to oxyclozanide. Elimination of gravid tapeworm segments (Moniezia spp)


In very rare cases (less than 1 animal in 10,000 animals treated, including isolated reports), a slight softening of
the faeces with animal showing increased frequency of defecation and transient inappetence may appear

Known hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.

Oral use. Give as an oral drench. Shake the suspension at least 5 times before use. To ensure administration of a correct dose, body weight should be determined as accurately as possible; accuracy of the dosing device should be checked.  If animals are to be treated collectively rather than individually, they should be grouped according to their bodyweight and dosed accordingly, in order to avoid under – or overdosing. Cattle: 10 mg oxyclozanide per kg body weight (3 ml of product per 10 kg body weight).  For animals above 350 kg, dose is 3.5 g oxyclozanide per animal, i.e. 103 ml of product. Sheep: 15 mg oxyclozanide per kg body weight (corresponding to 4,4 ml of product per 10 kg body weight). For animal above 45 kg, dose is 0,68 g oxyclozanide per animal, i.e. 20 ml of product.

Cattle: Meat and offal: 13 days; Milk: 4.5 days (108 hours)
Sheep: Meat and offal:14 days; Milk: 7 days (168 hours)

Special warnings for each target species To date no resistance to oxyclozanide has been reported. Use of the product should be based on local (regional, farm) epidemiological information about susceptibility of trematodes and recommendations on how to limit further selection for resistance to anthelmintics. At normal dose levels, oxyclozanide is not active against immature flukes present in liver tissue.  Milking cattle, particularly high yielders, may show a reduction in yield, occasionally of 5% or more, for about 48 hours after handling. The effect of this small loss may be minimised by spreading herd dosing over a period of about one week.

To avoid damage to the pharyngeal region, care should be taken when administering by dosing gun.  Adverse effects are occasionally enhanced in animals suffering from severe liver damage and/or dehydration at the time of dosing. Due regard must always be given to the physical condition of animals undergoing treatment, particularly those in advanced pregnancy and/or under stress from adverse weather conditions, poor nutrition, penning, handling, etc.

Oxyclozanide is toxic to dung fauna and aquatic organisms. The risk can be reduced by avoiding too frequent and repeated use of oxyclozanide in cattle. Treated cattle must not graze near watercourses and must not have access to water bodies for 5 days after treatment.

Laboratory studies during different phases of reproduction have not produced any evidence of teratogenic or foetotoxic effects, or negative effects on fertility. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.  However care should be taken when treating heavily pregnant animals and animals under stress from adverse weather conditions, poor nutrition, penning,
handling etc.

(symptoms, emergency procedures antidotes)
The adverse reactions observed at normal doses are more pronounced at increased doses. At doses of 50 mg/kg there is a risk of death. The effects of oxyclozanide overdosage are dullness and some loosening of faeces in sheep and possible diarrhoea, inappetance and loss of weight in cattle. These effects are very rarely enhanced in animals with severe liver damage and/or dehydration at the time of dosing.

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Weight 5 kg

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